A monthly; not so Ordinary Podcast, delivering Edgy, unorthodox, informative accounts of what affects the Black community and things that should not consume the headspace of black communities as often as it does. Keeping it real, relevant, relatable and purposeful is the point of it all.
71 episodes
Black people listen ..
We live in a time, where social media has become such a craze especially in the Black community, so much so that we think influencing means making a fool out of ourselves at any cost as long as we get seen. We have forgotten our attribut...
Season 6
Episode 10

Are competitive spirits healthy ?
We live in a time where we don't know the difference between competition and competitive nature. let's think about it.Girl talk live airing 12/13 @ 8pm Facebook live , tune in..
Season 6
Episode 9

UBI or DIE "AI takeover"
Guest and Sponsor, Marc and I discuss or opinion on the effects of AI and how UBI-universal basic income can either help or cripple America, with the technology growth and its impact on society.
Season 6
Episode 8

Message to the United States
When our own federal aid fails us, Just listen...
Season 6
Episode 6
Debate This
I simply feel, the American people have no say in the shenanigans of the wealthy politicians circus…
Season 6
Episode 5

Black boy what's happening?
When did our boys stop being united and became enemies? Why are they forgetting how significant their existence is?
Season 6
Episode 4

Make America great now
835 people lie to 345 million. We can't make greatness out of deceit, lies and corruption ever
Season 6
Episode 3
Leave Bronny James alone !
The pressure to be good at anything is already heavy , for so many to exhort greatness from a rookie is wild to me. Photo/Getty Images
Season 6
Episode 2

Last of a Dying Breed
The younger generation need the older generation and the older generation need them too. Our survival depends on one anothershop mirage swimwear and accessories @ Mirage swimwear
Season 6
Episode 1

Why are job applications still a requirement
Ever wonder why job applications are even necessary if you submitted a resume and credentials?Follow us :YouTube @RunYourMouth229IG @ rymxx3FB@ http...
Season 5
Episode 10

Save money for what?
Listen to my insightful reminder that we must learn how to buy wise with the money we saved.We have it Drilled in our head to save money, but failing to educate the black community on how and what to buy when we spend it is ruining the blac...
Season 5
Episode 8

Healthcare worker BURNOUT
With a rapidly declining healthcare system in America, many Nurses and Clinical workers are just nothing less than tired.
Season 5
Episode 7

What women want to ask men-Guest Marcius and Shan
Us two women didn't dig into him too deep, but we did ask from a man's point of view, "why are they like that" yeah men...
Season 5
Episode 6

Black man we love you but we HATE..
Not every Black woman is angry, some are just tired, and we need Black men to appreciate us more, assist more and complain less, because we are right there with you.
Season 5
Episode 5

WTF do we marry -Guest host Shan of L.A.V.S podcast
by now many have seen or heard the 50 video viral series of the online meet that ended in much deceit, which has sparked the question in many of us; do we really know who we married/dating?In an era of online dating and social media t...
Season 5
Episode 4

Men vs Women - The Inequalities in the workplace that still exist today.
An organic conversation on a passionate topic. Join me in welcoming Guest- Marcius Atkinson, former Military personnel, Police and host of "The long road" podcast as we attempt to shed light on the many inequalities faced in the wo...
Season 5
Episode 3

Dying to be heard-Workplace Bullying
Dr. Antoinette Candia-Bailey Death by Suicide, so sorry this happened to you.
Season 5
Episode 2

Child support has the Black man on Life support
Most Black men don't realize they have no rights to the child they support. Making it make sense will take unity.

Season Finale ~America in a state of "Unrest"
Most AMericans are so caught up in nonsense , we don't realize the decline of our country is growing rapidly.
Season 4
Episode 11

How black men can contribute less to the weeping of black women
Having a conversation with guest, Wardell Herring on the impact it would be if more black men raised their son with teachings from mistakes that taught them not pain that hardened him. Many men won't admit the anger they harbor from past issues...
Season 4
Episode 10